
We provide you with the map of neighborhood essentials so that you will be able to buy essential things after your arrival. E-Mart opens until mid-night. Convenience stores are open 24 hours so that late arrival should not deter you from going out. Also, the map indicates bus stations and department stores. You can download the pdf file of the below picture.

The E-mart (something like TESCO or Target) is within walking distance from the studio and this place sells everything (household items and groceries, electronics, almost everything) that you need. Hyundai and Lotte Department stores (two biggest department store chains in Korea) are within walking distances. Movie theater is also within walking distance. E-mart, department store, and movie theaters are located near Mia Samgeory Station, which is only 10 minute walk or one subway train station (or one bus stop) away.

Also, Lotte Department Store is also at Mia Samgeory Station (Exit No. 1). Here is a photo of Lotte Department Store.

At E-Mart Mia Samgeory Station (Exit No. 4). You can probably buy anything that you will need to buy for your room at here. Also, Hyundai Department Store (Exit 4 past the E-Mart). Actually, you can walk to this area as it is only 8-10 minutes by walk.

This izakaya called Saiya is just down the street.

Hyehwa Station area is called Daehakro, which is a center of cultural life in Seoul with its many small theaters and interesting restaurants. It is only three subway station away from Gireum (our station) My opinion, this place is better than Hongdae, which is about 20-minutes away (by subway or bus) from the Studio.

According to Hi Seoul Website, "Daehak-ro has some 100 theatres of all sizes staging various performances throughout the year, and it is oftentimes referred to as the Broadway of Asia. The outdoor theatre in Marronnier Park and Pungnyu Square are full of the passion of youth expressed in street performances and the drawing of portraits. This dynamic neighborhood is the very origin of the Korean Wave culture."

Dongdaemun is very close with only four-five subway stations away, (either Dongdemun Station or Dongdaemun History and Culture Park station). This is the market place open until 5 am in the morning mostly selling clothing, but accessories and other essentials in your life.

Please visit the website for more detail